Motorcycling Victoria (MV) wishes to advise that Expressions of Intrest are currently being accepted for MV’s Management Committees.
Those wishing to be considered for appointment on one of MV’s Management Committees can apply using the below process.
Management Committee appointments will be made in accordance with the Motorcycling Victoria’s Constitution.
Robert Mestrom, CEO of Motorcycling Victoria said: “this is a great opportunity for people who are passionate about their discipline to get involved and make a difference to the future of the sport in Victoria.”
Expression of Interest Process:
Step 1: Complete the Expression of Interest form HERE in full and include a passport size photograph. As well as having read and understood the Management Committees Duties and Responsibilities document HERE
Step 2: Send the completed form to Motorcycling Victoria – PO BOX 3, BROADFORD VIC 3658 OR info@motorcyclingvic.com.au
Step 3: MV reviews the Expressions of Interest.
Step 4: All applicants are advised of the outcome of their Expression of Interest.
*Please Note: If you are currently appointed as a member of a Management Committee, you will need to re-apply your Expression of Interest to be considered for appointment again in 2019.
Applications close Friday 24 August 2018 at 5:00 pm.